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What to Expect Before You Start:

  • Minimum age: 14 years old

  • You should be ready to commit to making changes and/or working through challenges in at least one area of your life, toward improved wellbeing.

  • We will meet for 15-30 minutes to explore expectations and fit, and give you an opportunity to ask questions about the coaching process and relationship. This meeting is free-of-charge.

  • After this meeting and upon committing to work together, clients will be provided a private HIPPA-compliant portal that contains practice policies and other documents to complete before the initial coaching session. You may be asked to complete a well-being assessment and/or supply basic health and wellness history and information.

  • Next, we will schedule an initial extended-length session and you will be charged according to practice policies for this session.

​What to Expect After you Begin Your Coaching Journey:

  • For most coaching work, you will commit to a minimum of 3 months, though most clients will work for 6-12 months---the duration of our work together will depend on the types of things you want to collaborate on and the pace that makes sense for your life. Some parent coaching and collaboration designed to navigate a particular health issue may be shorter or longer.

  • You can expect to work with your coach on a weekly basis.

  • Sessions are 50 or 80 minutes in length, based on client preference. Weekly sessions will be automatically billed per practice policies/rates.

  • Coaching sessions will be held in a virtual meeting room (e.g., Zoom room) and you will be supplied with a unique link for your sessions.

  • If you need to cancel or move your appointment, please do so prior to 24-hours before the meeting time. You will be charged for any "no-shows" or changes made within this 24-hour window. 

  • You will be in charge of the exploration and experimentation that is part of the coaching process--the coach is there to support you, guide you, offer observations and accountability, ask questions, help you generate insights, and offer learning opportunities when appropriate. 

  • At neuroflourish, the coach process is guided by several tenets of mind, brain, health, and learning science, including: (1) the person who does the work, does the learning, (2) you are the expert on you and you learn about yourself through experiences with others (coaching helps to cultivate metacognition, mentalizing skills, etc.), (3) all learning and experience passes through the filter of prior knowledge and experience, (4) there is no cognition without emotion, (5) minds, brains, and bodies are all part of the same system and they all influence each other, (5) context and environments matter, they change and are changed by the human brain.


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